Our Law Office was founded in 1955 by Avv. Carlo Lobietti, who at the time was a practising maritime lawyer in Ravenna and also a member of the academic staff in the area of maritime law at Bologna University.
Subsequently, with the arrival of Avv. Roberto Ridolfi and Avv. Romualdo Ghigi our Law Office expanded and broadened its capacities in order to meet our clients’ new or changed needs.
Our Law Office is presently made up by five partners (lawyers Roberto Ridolfi, Romualdo Ghigi, Carlo Longanesi, Nicola Ridolfi and Claudio Ghigi) and is specialised in the fields of civil, commercial, maritime, insurance, bank, and international law, and offers to its national and international clients a wide range of services, either in or out of court, even in English and Spanish language.
Our Law Office is active all over Italy and can also protect its clients’ interests abroad thanks to its established collaborations with first class foreign law offices.